I will rob
your soul



Hello, this is the TCOW system writing, or more specifically like, a few members. We accept and do not question the sources of any system.
As for ourselves, we are a trauma-sourced system with around 25 alters, including fragments. Around 8 of us are the most active. It's not like that matters though, we don't intend to interact. We just think neocities would probably our biggest hit with archiving our creation somewhere without feeling intruded upon.

About the site

The website was requested by a particular member who loves to fucking analyze every one of us. We had to have court proceedings about it because doing so posed a sort of privacy problem with each alter, you know?
We consider putting those stuff onto the website too, though it would be silly.
It is important to get this out of the way. We have very strict rules regarding the privacy of alters. All the names we used here will be replaced with names that we generally voted to be "bad" (No harsh feelings if your irl name is one of it) and no faces will be shown, unless anyone insisted otherwise. The database of each alter will have the same treatment, with most information being revoked unless given explicit permission to put here.

— by popular demand
✦ culture column

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